Based on our findings over 10 years of conducting in-depth client interviews, these characteristics are consistently identified as strengths and reasons why clients choose and use particular vendors – and stay with them. Interviews have been conducted on behalf of various service based industries with the majority in IT services.
Please note: Characteristics are not ranked in any particular order of importance.
Tips & News
Interesting facts and information including latest reviews. Our tips include handy suggestions to help you foster loyalty.
PDF Downloads
- The Loyalty Effect
- 10 Ingredients of Brilliant Testimonials – BTs®
- Ways to use BTs®
- Guidelines for using excerpts
- Newsletter Vol. 17 Ask to be introduced instead
- Newsletter Vol. 16 Have you noticed this
- Newsletter Vol. 15 What is Social Proof
- Newsletter Vol. 14 2015 The winner is …
- Newsletter Vol. 13 Perception vs Reality
- Newsletter Vol. 12 Manage the client’s experience, not the relationship!
- Newsletter Vol. 11 If you don’t listen to your clients, your competitors probably will
- Newsletter Vol. 10 Using Client Testimonials to Handle Sales Objections
- Newsletter Vol. 9 The big deal about Social Proof!
- Newsletter Vol. 8 You’d get legal and commercial advice as part of your due diligence, right?
- Newsletter Vol. 7 How do you see your customers and how do they see you?
- Newsletter Vol. 6 How do you keep your finger on your customers’ pulse?
- Newsletter Vol. 5 Do their hearts beat for you?
- Newsletter Vol. 4 How sticky is your customer base
- Newsletter Vol. 3 How to find Strategic Direction
- Newsletter Vol. 2 Why are credible, believable & fully attributed testimonials critical for any website
- Newsletter Vol. 1 Characteristics of Businesses with Loyal Clients
- February 2012 Important results that we can’t afford to ignore
- July 2011 Trends towards relationship marketing
- Feb 2011 Why clients might leave you
- May 2011 Is having satisfied clients good enough?
- April 2011 Testimonials: The power of having others tell your story!
- Jan 2011 Client Retention vs. Client Loyalty
- Nov 2010 Trends toward customer insight & loyalty
- Oct 2010 B2B Marketing priorities
- 6 Essential Tips: How to make sure your clients stay with you and never want to leave
- Tips to make the most of your Brilliant Testimonials – BTs®